Transparency and Business Ethics
Confidence in the Future

- Coimex Group

Investments in infrastructure, logistics, education, and technology-based projects.

With more than 70 years of history, we are a diverse business group that continues to grow and expand, achieving success since our foundation.

In the infrastructure sector, we operate in energy, roads, and ports. We are active in foreign trade (importation), logistics, and industrial segments, focusing on machinery and steel rolling. Additionally, we operate in the real estate, financial, and education sectors.

Expansion and diversity are embedded in our DNA. Our businesses are managed by market professionals, and our management model is supported by the most modern standards of corporate governance, which is a fundamental pillar of our partnerships in the ventures we undertake.

- Our History -

Resilience and Strategic Approach

We are the product of the entrepreneurial thinking and determined spirit of our founder, Otacílio Coser, who, with resilience and a strategic approach, identified opportunities that enabled our sustainable growth. Since the 1990s, this strategic vision and entrepreneurial effort have included the active involvement of the second generation of the Coser family. Establishing solid partnerships and meticulously managing growth have become crucial principles for Coimex Group, alongside our fundamental values: transparency, ethics, commitment, and strong confidence in the future.


- The Beginning -

Otacílio Coser founded “Sinal”, a coffee brokerage company that participated in the creation of the Café de Vitória Trade Center.
Founding of the coffee trader (exporter) Otacílio Coser & Cia. Development of the subdivision that originated the Cobilândia neighborhood (Vila Velha – ES). Acquisition of Vitóriawagen, the largest VW dealership in Vitória-ES. Founding of Unicafé.

- Development -

Blomaco is founded, becoming the first company to operate importation under the Fundap system. Founding of Agrosuco. Viwa Consórcios (currently Coimex Consórcios) is founded. Coimex Trading is acquired, becoming the main company of the Group.
Founding of Coimex Agrícola, with investments in alcohol plants. Establishment of Coimex Armazéns Gerais S/A and Viwa Caminhões dealership. Coimex Trading begins importing automobiles and achieves an 84% market share in 1994. Construction of the Interior Customs Station (EADI Cariacica). Coimex International S/A (currently CISA Trading) is founded. The Group’s strategy focuses on foreign trade, logistics, and infrastructure.

- Diversification -

Founding of CPVV, Embraport, Axis-Simimbu (currently TEGMA), Rodosol Highway Concessionaire, Otacílio Coser’s Foundation (FOCO), and Companhia Brasileira de Automóveis. Business reorganization under the Coimexpar holding.
Founding of Companhia Energética de Petrolina and Coimex Capital Empreendimentos Imobiliários. Sale of Embraport and participation in Companhia Brasileira de Automóveis. TEGMA’s IPO. Discontinuation of commodity trading and export activities by Coimex Trading.

- Innovation and Technology -

Creation of CISA Steel Warehouse and investments in ECO 101 (Brazil) and BRISA (Concessão Rodoviária S/A – Portugal). Expansion of the energy business with the acquisition of Pedra do Sal and Beberibe wind plants and PCH Areia Branca. Founding of Drausuisse, TegUp, and the digitalization of Coimex Consórcios, with the launch of Mycon. Sale of stakes in ECO 101. The Group’s strategy focuses on innovation and technology businesses.
Initiation of investments in educational sectors through Red House, Square, and Tutor Mundi. Sale of the foreign trade (import) operation of CISA Trading.

- Our Future -

Constantly evaluating existing businesses and identifying new opportunities.

We are driven by the desire to expand our businesses and identify new opportunities, preferably in partnership with other business groups that share our vision and corporate values.

Our growth strategy emphasizes the development of businesses based on innovation and technology, where operations are socially responsible, sustainable, and properly managed—ESG. These principles guide us and are carefully observed when considering investments in new companies.

- Contact Us

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Whether you want to propose a new investment, work with us, or reach our ombudsman, we are here. Fill out the form and get in touch.