- Otacílio Coser Foundation

The Otacílio Coser Foundation works to create connections and opportunities for young people in situations of social vulnerability, from basic education to the job market.

With CoimexPar as its main sponsor and in partnership with other companies that believe in youth as a driving force for a more prosperous and productive country, the foundation carries out initiatives to encourage high school completion and support the transition into formal employment. In doing so, it aims to help overcome chronic social exclusion.

Currently, the foundation reaches 77,000 young people from 115 public schools across three states through the Escolaí Program. With 25 years of history, its operational model offers a new approach to effective social responsibility, inspired by the commitment and entrepreneurial legacy of Otacílio Coser.


The Coimex Group proudly supports programs that show its commitment to social responsibility and its ongoing desire to contribute to a better Brazil.